Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I'm Here By Spike Jonze

Sorry about the delay. But this brilliance needed to be given my full attention and I wasn't going to watch it until that was possible. So magic. I can't even begin to explain. But I'll try...

Firstly I was excited to see that I knew a good chunk of the places that this was shot in. A lot of the exteriors were filmed in Eagle Rock which is where I lived when I first moved out to Cali. So yay for that. But lets get down to it. The film is gorgeous and shot so incredibly. You have to hand it to Adam Kimmel for doing such a beautiful job. I'm posting some photos so don't fret, you'll see the magic soon enough. The music is also wondrous and it's refreshing to see that even for a short film people are taking the time to make an original score. Sam Speigel did a really good job and it sets the tone for the story perfectly. 

The story is quite simple. Boy robot meets girls robot. I'm not going to tell you much more than that. It's presented online only by Absolut and you can watch the film here. Support filmmaking like this, it's a rarity in contemporary cinema and needs to be celebrated as often as possible. A HUGE round of applause needs to go to the Writer/Director Spike Jonze who is just brilliant. Jonze is one of the few contemporary directors who is taking chances and producing work that can last for ages. Another one in the can and it's a keeper. Bravo!  Not many can say that and considering he's been active as a director for over ten years the quality of his work just seems to be getting better and better and this exemplifies a true artist. So excited to see what he's doing next. 

Again you can watch the film here. Watch it if you can. You wont be disappointed. 

Here are some photos, as promised: 

Happy moviegoing folks! 

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