Firstly I must applaud the screenplay because it is quite something. I believe this brand of subtle comedy comes about-properly-very seldom. It's that type of laughter that is generated hesitantly...if that makes sense. That type of laughter that surfaces so subtly within a dramatic text that your not quite sure if you should be laughing or not. Which, I believe, further emphasizes the authenticity and human quality to the film. In doing so, the film very much deserves the praise it's getting. However, in addition to this the acclaim is duly noted and also depends on the acting; mostly and importantly due to Adam Scott's performance.
There is a reason Scott is being nominated with the likes of Jeff Bridges and Colin Firth he's quite the revelation in this film. It was revealed, at the Q&A after the screening, that a large portion of Scott's little quips in the film that highlight and generated the type of laughter I spoke about above were improvisation on his part. This shows a true understanding, on Scott's part, of the material at hand and demonstrates his abilities overall. In the long run we'll be seeing a lot more of him to come, that's for sure. Also I must mention J.K. Simmons as an unsung hero here, he was great too, but not featured enough to have the opportunity to outshine Scott's performance.
I must commend the film all around as it just goes to show how an emerging filmmaker, with the right components--a very hard working team, great performances, a superb screenplay etc.--can achieve the appropriate praise it deserves. Bravo!
I very much recommend this film to all, as it demonstrates a type of cinema that is authentically human. A type of cinema that is scarce these days, and shouldn't be. Spread the words folks! This is how films like these get around town...with the moviegoing public's help! So spread it!
Happy moviegoing!
Side Note: One of the producers of the film wrote a contribution to the magazine I worked for, Moving Pictures, here is the link.
Again happy moviegoing!
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