Although I've read on several occasions that this film is "the Russian Amelie" I don't think it compares in the least. I believe the two films are much different from each other and cannot be compared as similar entities. So don't let that sway your perception of the film because it is a truly original piece.
The film is shot so beautifully and this is one of its strongest features. Within the walls of a gray city it's safe to say that to find such beauty, color and magic is quite a task and the director, Anna Melikyan, executes it so wonderfully and this show prominently in the films overall style. Not everything needs to sparkle to be filled with wonder and awe. And to achieve the pure sentiment of wonder and

Although it's hard to get your hands on the film I shall leave you with a trailer; cause there are many. I think the films strengths ring true here. And it is made quite clear just how great this film is from this small taste . Enjoy!
Ps. Soundtrack is amazing. And if you are itching to watch it, which you should be, IFC has picked it up and it should be able to view on the IFC. If I am not mistaken its also still running along the festival circuit think it just played at Telluride so it might be closer than you think. Happy hunting! Spread the word and enjoy!
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