On October 10th this year Film From the South, which is celebrating 20 years, is Northern Europe’s leading festival dedicated exclusively to film from Asia, Africa and Latin America. The Festival runs from 7-17 October, 2010. This year they will be honoring The World Cinema Foundation, which Martin Scorsese founded, with a World Premiere of 1931 film Limite by Mario Peixoto's with live accompaniment. They will also be honoring 12 of the World Cinema Foundation's restored film all at the same time!
They festival's release states that:
Established by Martin Scorsese, the Foundation supports and encourages preservation efforts to save the worldwide patrimony of films, ensuring that they are preserved, seen and shared. Its goal is to defend the body and spirit of cinema in the belief that preserving works of the past can encourage future generations to treat film as a universal form of expression.
How marvelous no? It's nice to see people around the globe supporting other national cinema's and above all the preservation of those cinemas and their masterpieces.
Check out what Variety had to say!
If you're in Oslo, Norway. I say get your ass over to this festival pronto!
Happy moviegoing!
For more information, press inquiries and hi res photos, contact:
In Norway: Alexis Matos, alexis@filmfraso r.no; +
In U.S.: Gary Springer, gary@springerassocia tespr.com; +1.212.354.4660